AP Report Pages 2-3
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A full-color report form for recording client skill results. Clients gain a comprehensive report of their skills organized into 6 core competencies, a summary of their top 4 preferred categories and preferred skills, a Skill Wheel for identifying their skill sets, skills targeted for development, and an optional exercise to connect skills to preferred activities.

Volume discounts are available.

See what our users are saying...

The more I use it, the more I love SkillScan as a valuable part of my career assessment offering for clients of all ages. I can use their DRIVE report in conjunction with various assessment offerings such as their Holland code, personality type, and work values to show a more cohesive and unified profile of who they are and what they have to offer. As a visual learner, I love the way information is easily absorbed through the DRIVE's colorful report and Lesah's clever diagrams in the training.

Paul Bredderman, Owner/Career Management Consultant, Road Rising Careers, LLC