AP Report Pages 2-3
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A full-color report form for recording client skill results. Clients gain a comprehensive report of their skills organized into 6 core competencies, a summary of their top 4 preferred categories and preferred skills, a Skill Wheel for identifying their skill sets, skills targeted for development, and an optional exercise to connect skills to preferred activities.

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See what our users are saying...

Our career counseling team has used SkillScan Drive and the in-person card sort with university students and alumni for several years now, and it is an integral part of our career counselor toolbox. I was using the card sort with a student just the other day and the tactile nature, sorting process, colors to help categorize, and conversation about those skills were instrumental in helping the student realize some of their favorite skills that were being ignored. The student was very quickly re-connected with a lost part of themselves, which led to a significant a-ha moment for them. I am a… more

Kerri Latham, Lead Career Counsellor, Student Success Centre, McMaster University