What Customers are Saying

Community Career Services

Cathy Cope

"As a business who helps both job seekers and career changers, we love using SkillScan with our clients. Hundreds of these clients have been able to easily identify their strengths as well as skills that need some improvement. This information is crucial to resume writing and prepping for an interview with easy-to-understand results of the assessment. Additionally, career options are identified in direct correlation to their strongest skillsets in a variety of sectors. SkillScan is definitely one of our core assessments to help clients achieve their employment goals."

- Cathy Cope, Employment Advisor/Facilitator, Watton Employment Services

Julie Ford

"Why I love SkillScan: Simply put, it works every time with any population, and everybody always loves it! Most of my clients are people who have physical and/or mental disabilities, and SkillScan is a great equalizer. Everybody feels empowered by it because, sometimes for the very first time, they recognize that they have skills, and, not only that, they now have a vocabulary to talk about what they are good at and enjoy doing. I love the way it engages people in the career exploration process, particularly my clients, who are so used to having their barriers to employment addressed first. I see them begin to think of themselves in new ways. SkillScan allows me to gain useful insight into my clients, and it is a powerful facilitator that allows me to "meet my clients where they are."

- Julie Ford, M.A., Sr. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, ORP, CA. Department of Rehabilitation

Candace White

"SkillScan is so easy to use while also being an effective tool in providing clarity for our clients, especially those who struggle to articulate their strengths. It is helpful for our diverse range of clients, from those just embarking on their professional lives to mid-career professionals who want to make a change to those debating how to spend their last years in the workforce. Clients can take a deep dive into career exploration or just skim the surface of the report and still get valuable insight into themselves. We even find the reports helpful for writing resumes!"

- Candace White, Career Coach, Jewish Community Services