Your personalized SkillScan Drive report includes:
- A Personal Skill Chart displays your skill results in the 6 skill categories—Relationship, Communication, Management/Leadership, Analytical, Creative, Physical Technical—in order of the highest score to the lowest score, based on the ratings given on proficiency and importance.
- The Skill Set Portfolio takes your top 4 skill categories and groups your individual skills into Skill Sets. The Skill Sets describe your specific strengths used to perform common work tasks and functions.
- Drive Career Guides provide you with suggested career and educational options. Visit the expanded guide to research interesting careers with a direct link to O*NET OnLine, the nation’s primary source for occupational information.
- On the Skill Development report, you’ll get ideas for developing your high potential skills through school, internships, work, and hobbies.
- The Strategic Skill Profile will provide you with the language to highlight and target your greatest strengths in resumes, interviews and networking.
How to Take the Assessment
To achieve the best results:
- Work quickly and trust your first reaction.
- Claim proficiency for skills used in school, hobbies, work, etc.
- Focus on the enjoyment you get when using your skills.
- Make any changes before moving on to the next section.
Time Required: Allow 20 minutes