
Your personalized SkillScan Express report includes:

  • A Skill Summary that displays your top 4 out of 6 skill categories—Relationship, Communication, Management/Leadership, Analytical, Creative, Physical Technical— and groups your individual skills into Skill Sets. The Skill Sets describe your specific strengths used to perform common work tasks and functions.
  • A Skill Set Profile that provides a summary of your 6 strongest skill sets. The Skill Sets describe your specific strengths used to perform common work tasks and functions.
  • A list of your High Potential Skills and ideas for developing these skills through school, internships, work, and hobbies.
  • Top Career Matches provide you with suggested career and educational options. These options include a direct link to O*NET OnLine, the nation’s primary source for occupational information.

NOTE: This product is intended for individual assessment takers to purchase their own assessment. If you are a coach ordering products for your clients, go to the Products for Coaches page to place your order.

How to Take the Assessment

To achieve the best results:

  • Work quickly and trust your first reaction.
  • Claim proficiency for skills used in school, hobbies, work, etc.
  • Focus on the enjoyment you get when using your skills.
  • Make any changes before moving on to the next section.

Time Required: Allow 15 minutes