Video Walkthrough
Creating a Coach account on the SkillScan website will enable you to purchase one or more assessments for your clients, including online assessments and physical Advance Pack assessment materials. If you don't yet have a Coach account, follow these instructions to create one.
- Go to Login/Signup in the upper right corner of the Home Page.
- Select the Create new account tab.
- Enter your email address.
- Select the Coach account type.
- Create a username and password
- Select your time zone - this ensures dates and times visible to you within the system appear in your time zone.
- Enter your first and last name and your company or practice name.
- Upload a profile photo.
- If you wish to appear in the Coach Directory on the website select Directory Visibility.
- Click Counselor Directory Details to add your website address and the services you offer.
- Select Create new account.