For over twelve years, SkillScan has been George Mason University Career Services’ trusted companion in guiding students and alums through their career paths. From novices embarking on their professional journeys to seasoned professionals seeking advancement, this tool has been instrumental in assessing transferable skills with precision and insight. Utilized both in individual appointments and as a core component of our career preparation courses, SkillScan has consistently delivered tailored guidance, helping individuals identify their strengths and capitalize on them effectively. As we look back on over a decade of collaboration, we remain indebted to SkillScan for its role in shaping the career trajectories of our students and alums.

The more I use it, the more I love SkillScan as a valuable part of my career assessment offering for clients of all ages. I can use their DRIVE report in conjunction with various assessment offerings such as their Holland code, personality type, and work values to show a more cohesive and unified profile of who they are and what they have to offer. As a visual learner, I love the way information is easily absorbed through the DRIVE's colorful report and Lesah's clever diagrams in the training.

I have been using SkillScan for several years now, beginning with the paper version and transitioning to Drive online. I present to clients that I can meet with them several times and gather the information needed, but using the SkillScan assessment will provide us with a wealth of information in a far shorter time and present it in a way that is readily actionable to identify next steps, such as career direction and resume writing with specific content. It is comprehensive and the flow works!

I've been using the Skillscan assessment tool, cardsort and online versions, for more than 15 years. I was looking forward to the new online version and upon trying Drive, I was impressed with the enhancements. The interface is very appealing. The instructions were easy to follow, and the personalized report is comprehensive. It's a great resource for career counselors to use with clients as a foundation for generating career options, writing a resume, and preparing for interviews. It can be used with a range of clients from college students to professionals in career transition.

Millennials are hungry for relevant resources that will help them grow as professionals. As a career coach, I have used SkillScan Drive with hundreds of young professionals. I have found that it helps my clients to better understand their skill sets and discover more options as they explore their career paths. It is an excellent assessment that I have consistently received positive comments about — and I will keep using in the future.

Skillscan helps clients identify what they are good at, the skills they enjoy using, and the transferable skills they bring to the world of work. The robust reports boost confidence, provide greater awareness of marketable skills, and are helpful when applying for jobs and preparing for interviews. I use SkillScan with every coaching client and the results are a springboard for our career exploration and coaching work together.