AP Report Pages 2-3
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A full-color report form for recording client skill results. Clients gain a comprehensive report of their skills organized into 6 core competencies, a summary of their top 4 preferred categories and preferred skills, a Skill Wheel for identifying their skill sets, skills targeted for development, and an optional exercise to connect skills to preferred activities.

Volume discounts are available.

See what our users are saying...

As a business who helps both job seekers and career changers, we love using SkillScan with our clients. Hundreds of these clients have been able to easily identify their strengths as well as skills that need some improvement. This information is crucial to resume writing and prepping for an interview with easy-to-understand results of the assessment. Additionally, career options are identified in direct correlation to their strongest skillsets in a variety of sectors. SkillScan is definitely one of our core assessments to help our clients achieve their employment goals.

Cathy Cope, Employment Advisor/Facilitator, Watton Employment Services